Monday 12 March 2007

Welcome to my blog about the 1Step System.

I joined the 1Step System on 17 Apr, 2006 08:41 PM and I've made absolutely no progress at all. Whose fault is that? Very largely mine, I suppose.

I messed about for awhile with some desultery advertising and had a landing page of mine showing on various traffic programs like and TrafficSwarm, but to no avail. Here is my landing page

When a program is launched thousands of people try to promote that program and often to the same few people, so that after the early birds have got their worms, there are no worms left.

So like a lot of would-be hopefuls I lost interest and moved on to other things.

Going back to the 1StepSystem, I liked the eBook by Stephanie Woolford-Bales that helps to promote the system and thought that by branding that book with my links and giving it away, I should get a few takers and hopefully one or two might jump in and I would be rewarded with an odd $500 check now and then.

I suppose I ought to let you know how I became involved with the 1StepSystem. An email arrived from Cynthia Howard urging me to join as she was having quite a bit of success with it. Well, I trusted Cynthia who had put me on to YMMSS which promised to make me a bit of money, but not immediately. Unfortunately the program went pear shaped and I lost a fair amount of cash. However, it wasn't Cynthia's fault. She must have lost out as well.

Going back again to the 1StepSytem, I produced a resource website, largely for my own benefit and most of the information came from Stephanie's eBook. It just summarized
the promotional help in the book.

If you'd like to have a look at my site and use it for your own purposes, feel free to do so.

Here it is....


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